30 Sep 2019

Developing a DisplayOnly Bluetooth agent in Qt/C++ with BlueZ and D-Bus - Part 2

Welcome back to this two-part series about Bluetooth, Qt and C++. In the previous post we went through some concepts about Qt, BlueZ and D-Bus. In today’s part we’re going to dive into the actual implementation of our agent, and develop a basic application that allows pairing only with whitelisted devices.

Implementing the interface

In this section I’m going to show you a simple, yet powerful, templated implementation of an agent equipped with a validation function (a predicate over a number of typed arguments). Although normally the validation would depend on the device asking to pair (or, more precisely, on its QDBusObjectPath), I won’t include this restriction at this level. Instead, we’re going to implement this logic into a concrete Agent.

The snippets of code below use some features of C++17, in particular inline variables. They also use variadic templates. The latter is quite useful to make the validation function as generic as possible, whereas the former just comes handy to initialize static variables in a templated class.

We shall define two classes. First, PairingAgentWithValidation will contain the validation function and define the methods to be implemented. Secondly, BTMACAddressAgent will define a class where the validation occurs in terms of Bluetooth MAC addresses. Paring will be authorized if and only if the current device’s MAC address was previously whitelisted.

Abstract class PairingAgentWithValidation is defined as a templated class over a parameter pack:

template <class... Args>
class PairingAgentWithValidation : public QObject

Note the three dots after Args: they indicate that PairingAgentWithValidation accepts a variable number of templated arguments, where this number is not known yet when the class is defined. This allows for an unbelievable flexibility. It also extends QObject, even though we can’t use the Q_OBJECT macro in a templated class. This is a limitation in Qt’s meta-objects system: the meta-object compiler, moc, requires the API of a class to be completely defined by its definition. As a templated class is not fully defined without an actual instantiation, there can be an arbitrary number of instantiations of the same class differing only for the type parameter. Furthermore, all of them would require a different meta-object, and this would be extremely complex to implement, although theoretically possible. Hence, our PairingAgentWithValidation cannot contain slots, and this is quite a problem as, as we saw, Agent1Adaptor requires parent’s method to be known by Qt’s meta-objects system. We’ll see how to get rid of this limitation soon.

PairingAgentWithValidation contains a single private member, validationFunction, whose type is std::function<bool(Args...)>, that is, a function taking an arbitrary number of templated parameters and returning a bool. It also contains a couple of protected members:

  • a validation method invoking the validation function:
    bool validatePairing(const Args&... args) const {
      return validationFunction(args...);

    Note that validatePairing inputs the actual arguments as constant references, so that it is guaranteed that it is a pure predicate (i.e. there will be no side-effects on args). Also note that args actually needs to be expanded with the three dots in order to be used. This tells the runtime to input validationFunction with all the parameters contained in args, while checking that the all the types match. This method contains all the magic and encapsulates the validation logic.

  • two static constants, REJECTED and CANCELED, set to the corresponding BlueZ’s error objects, org.bluez.Error.Rejected and org.bluez.Error.Canceled, respectively. They are initialized as follows:
    static const inline QString REJECTED{"org.bluez.Error.Rejected"};
    static const inline QString CANCELED{"org.bluez.Error.Canceled"};

    C++17’s inline variables comes to the rescue here to let us initialize such constants directly in the header file, without having to do it outside the class definition.

Lastly, PairingAgentWithValidation defines a virtual method without implementation for each method in the Agent1 interface. For example, RequestConfirmation is defined as follows:

virtual void RequestConfirmation(const QDBusObjectPath& device, uint passkey) const = 0;

BTMACAddressAgent extends PairingAgentWithValidation providing a validation logic based on whitelisting. It contains a list of authorized MAC addresses and checks the MAC address of the device trying to pair against this list. The most natural signature for the validation function is validationFunction(QDBusObjectPath, QList<QString>). This leads us to the initialization of PairingAgentWithValidation’s template (we’re going to add a little refinement to BTMACAddressAgent’s inheritance list soon):

class BTMACAddressAgent : public PairingAgentWithValidation<QDBusObjectPath, QList<QString>>

Here we used the parameters to our still-to-be-implemented validation function as type parameters for the template. Hence, PairingAgentWithValidation’s validationFunction’s type will be set to std::function<bool(QDBusObjectPath, QList<QString>). This is exactly what we wanted.

Another detail worthy to be noted is the definition of the interface methods. Remember that they couldn’t be declared as slots in PairingAgentWithValidation? Well, Qt actually provides us with another way to make methods known to its meta-object system: the macro Q_INVOKABLE. Declaring BTMACAddressAgent’s methods as Q_INVOKABLE enables them to be invoked using QMetaObject::invokeMethod, solving the issue with slots we fell into.

I won’t bother you with the full definition of BTMACAddressAgent here, but instead I’ll explain just the main points. You can find a link to the full implementation at the end of this post.

Let’s focus on where the magic happens, the constructor of BTMACAddress:

BTMACAddressAgent::BTMACAddressAgent(QObject *parent): PairingAgentWithValidation<QDBusObjectPath, QList<QString>>(
    [](const QDBusObjectPath& device, const QList<QString>& authDevices) {

        auto getDeviceMACAddress = [](const QString& devicePath) {
            QDBusInterface bluezInterface{"org.bluez", devicePath, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", QDBusConnection::systemBus()};
            QDBusReply<QVariant> reply{bluezInterface.call("Get", "org.bluez.Device1", "Address")};
            return reply.value().toString();

        return authDevices.contains(getDeviceMACAddress(device.path()));
) {}

As usual, the initialization list invokes the constructor of the parent class. What’s important here is the definition of the validation function, that can be expressed as a lambda expression. The first line, [](const QDBusObjectPath& device, const QList<QString>& authDevices), defines the signature, capturing no variables from the outside. As we saw, types are statically checked here, and the compiler ensures that the parameters in this lambda match those we wrote in the inheritance list (public PairingAgentWithValidation <QDBusObjectPath, QList<QString>>). If we used QString as a first parameter, for example, the compiler would fail saying “error: no matching constructor for initialization of PairingAgentWithValidation<QDBusObjectPath, QList<QString> >”. Finally, validating a paring is as simple as checking that authDevices (our whitelist) contains the MAC address of the pairing device.

There’s one last thing to clarify in this implementation, the helper function getDeviceMACAddress, which is defined as a lambda inside the validation function. This is a common practice in functional programming, and, although C++’s not a functional language in the general meaning, we can actually leverage some of its functional features. getDeviceMACAddress simply inputs a QString containing the device path (in the form “[variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,…}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX”) and returns the MAC address of that device. To make it more readable I omitted the error handling code, which is instead shown at the end of this post. To further simplify the declaration, I let C++ infer the type of the function with the keyword auto (introduced in C++11). Just for you to know, such type is std::function<QString(const QString&)>.

For the first time we see Qt D-Bus functions in action. The first step to interact with D-Bus is creating a QDBusInterface, a generic class used to dynamically access remote objects for which we do not have any code. This is exactly the case here, as we are to access the object corresponding to the pairing device, with which, as a matter of fact, we cannot interact with “usual” function calls. The constructor of QDBusInterface reflects the main components of D-Bus objects:

  • the service, “org.bluez” in this case
  • the path of the object we want to interact with
  • its interface
  • the type of the connection, that is, the bus where the object relies (session or system).

This QDBusInterface object precisely describes the actual D-Bus object we want to interact with: whom it belongs to (i.e. the service), where to find it (i.e. the path), the subset of operations we’re allowed to perform on it (i.e. the interface), and how to connect to it (i.e. on which D-Bus bus). We then have to perform the actual “function call”, using the method call(), which basically constructs the message, sends it over the bus and decodes the reply once it arrives. It inputs the name of the function to call and a list of parameters. In this case we’re invoking the function Get, defined in the interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties, which requires two parameters: the interface defining the property we want to access (org.bluez.Device1, representing a BlueZ device) and the name of such property (Address, containing the Bluetooth address).

Last but not least, we have to implement RequestConfirmation. Its implementation is now surprisingly simple:

void BTMACAddressAgent::RequestConfirmation(const QDBusObjectPath& device, uint) const {
    if(!validatePairing(device, authDevices)) Release();

RequestConfirmation simply relies on the validation function to check whether the device is authorized. Remember that validatePairing was defined in PairingAgentWithValidation? Its body simply invokes the validation function that BTMACAddressAgent specified in its constructor. There’s nothing to do if the device is whitelisted: the pairing flow will continue as if nothing happened. If, on the other hand, that device is not authorized, RequestConfirmation calls Release() to stop the ongoing pairing:

void BTMACAddressAgent::Release() const {
    sendErrorReply(REJECTED, "Pairing rejected");

Remember the refinement in BTMACAddressAgent I spoke about before? Here it comes into play. You might be wondering where sendErrorReply comes from and what its purpose is. It is defined by QDBusContext and simply sends an error reply along with an error message. To have it available in our agent, however, BTMACAddressAgent must also inherit from QDBusContext. Hence, the complete declaration of the agent is the following:

class BTMACAddressAgent : public PairingAgentWithValidation<QDBusObjectPath, QList<QString>>, protected QDBusContext

The last thing we need to implement is the main():

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    BTMACAddressAgent agent{"00:00:00:00:00:00", "01:01:01:01:01:01"};
    QString objectPath{"/com/mdipirro/agent"};

    new Agent1Adaptor(&agent);

    if (QDBusConnection::systemBus().registerObject(objectPath, &agent)) {
        QDBusInterface agentManager{"org.bluez", "/org/bluez", "org.bluez.AgentManager1", QDBusConnection::systemBus()};
        QVariant agentPath{QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath(objectPath))};
        agentManager.call("RegisterAgent", agentPath, "DisplayOnly");
        agentManager.call("RequestDefaultAgent", agentPath);

    return QCoreApplication(argc, argv).exec();

The first thing that main does is initializing a BTMACAddressAgent with a whitelist of devices. The initialization takes advantage of C++11’s initializer lists, that are very similar in meaning to Java’s varargs: we can pass a comma-separated list of values that is passed as an argument to BTMACAddressAgent’s sequence constructor:

BTMACAddressAgent::BTMACAddressAgent(const std::initializer_list<QString>& authDevices): BTMACAddressAgent() {
    this->authDevices = authDevices;

The constructor first calls the empty constructor we saw before and then initializes its internal whiteQList, leveraging the compatibility between Qt containers and std initializers.

new Agent1Adaptor(&agent); instantiates a new Adaptor and links it with our custom agent. Adaptors must be initialized with new and not be deleted, as they will be deleted automatically as soon as the object they are connected to is deleted. We then register our custom agent (and not the adaptor) on the system bus with a custom path. As before, I’ll omit the error handling code to focus on the main operations, but you can find the complete example at the end of this post.

To register our agent we first have to create an instance of the org.bluez.AgentManager1 D-Bus interface and a QVariant representing the path we registered our agent at. It is necessary to use a QVariant instead of a QString, as QDBus’ type system requires a QDBusObjectPath for object paths, and we have to wrap it into a more generic type.

Finally, we perform two calls on the AgentManager1 interface. First we invoke RegisterAgent, to let BlueZ know that we want to use our own agent. Note how we specify DisplayOnly as a capability. Secondly, we invoke RequestDefaultAgent, to have BlueZ use our BTMACAddressAgent by default.

And that’s it! In a couple of classes we developed a full-working D-Bus agent authorizing parings based on a whitelist. You can of course implement the validation logic that you want, but I hope this example helped you put your mind around this interesting topic.


I hope you enjoyed this series about implementing a BlueZ agent with Qt, D-Bus and C++! Here you can find a working example implementing the logic we saw in these two posts.

See you soon!
